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Oregon FCE Service Projects 

Comfort Bears  Contact Bonnie Teeples for additional information - Ph. 541-891-2662 -


Comfort Bear Purposes

  • To provide comfort for a child in the time of stressful situations.


Comfort Bear Instructions

  • Use the Comfort Bear pattern.

  • Use any cloth appropriate for use with children of all ages. It does not matter if the sides are the same.

  • Follow instructions as posted on the pattern.

  • Do NOT sew on items for eyes, noses and etc. that may come off.

  • Eyes, noses, and etc. may be embroidered or painted on but be sure to use non-toxic paint.


Give the Comfort Bears to:

  • Police, Fire Departments, Emergency Responders, Children’s Shelters… any place they may be needed.


Note: A special thank-you to North Dakota Association for Family and Community Education (FCE) for sharing this community service project.                 

Books for Newborns  Contact Karleen Christensen for additional information - ph: 541-331-1991


Books for Newborns Purposes:

  • To provide new parents and newborns with a young children's book so that parents can start reading to that child when they are young.

  • To provide a few of the basic necessaries for the child and young parents. 


Book for Newborns Instructions:

  • Collect books that are design for very young children.  Be sure that they are new or slightly used and that they are very clean.

  • Collect items that can be used by the new parents  or newborn child such as booties, blankets, mittens, bibs, burp towels etc. 

  • Put the book and other items in large Zip Lock type 2 gallon bags.


Give the Books for Newborns Packets to:

  • WIC, Hospitals, Children’s Shelters… any place they may be needed.


Emergency Preparedness Fair Contact Cynthia Gibson for additional information - ph: 541-690-9033 -


Emergency Preparedness Fair Purposes:

  • To provide the local community with the opportunity to learn of way of preparing and the purposes of doing so for emergency situations.


Emergency Preparedness Fair Instructions:

  • Set a date and time and go to work.

  • Form a committee and make assignments as needed.

  • Contact all types of groups or people that would be willing to present at your Preparedness Fair.  

  • Find a location that you can hold your Preparedness Fair such a school, church or other place.

  • Advertise and invite everyone to attend.  Use bulletin boards, newspapers, social media etc. 

  • Prepare and make sure that everything is ready to go.


Veterans Hygiene Packs Contact Bonnie Teeples for further information at 541-891-6456 or


Veterans Hygiene Packs Purposes:

  • To provide the local community veterans with items that they may need for hygiene purposes. 

Veterans Hygiene Packs Instructions:

  • Set a date and time and go to work.

  • Form a committee and make assignments as needed

  • Find places that you can deliver the Vet Packs.

  • Contact all types of groups or people that would be willing help you with the project. 

  • Find a method of collecting items needed for the Veterans Packs through donations from community members etc.

  • Advertise and invite everyone to attend.  Use bulletin boards, newspapers, social media etc. 

  • Prepare and make sure that everything is ready to go.


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